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Saturday, February 1, 2020

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Date : 2000-06-01

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Category : Book

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Contending for the Faith — An introduction to the life and ~ An introduction to the life and ministry of two servants of the Lord—Watchman Nee and Witness Lee—whose work produced over three thousand churches spread across all six inhabited continents and whose ministry opened up the Bible’s revelation concerning the experience of Christ as life for the building up of the Body of Christ on Contending for the Faith

Contending For The Faith Home ~ CONTENDING FOR THE FAITH Click the link below to hear a preview of our radio show The Real Jesus Please Stand Up A short excerpt on Dr Jerry L Buckner and Announcer Gary Bell set up a mock court on who the real Jesus is

What does it mean to contend for the faith ~ To contend for the faith we must keep the fire of hope alive in our hearts When Jude says to wait “expectantly for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ for eternal life” he is referring to living every moment of life with the confident expectation that Jesus Christ may return at any moment Titus 213

Contending for the Faith Jude 34 Preaching Source ~ Faith is a reference to the body of basic Christian doctrine and Christian truth This body of basic Christian doctrine is that for which we are earnestly to contend No­tice that it is “the faith which was once for all delivered to the saints” The substance of apostolic faith this body of doctrine

Contending for the Faith ~ In other words contending for the faith isnt just for cult experts nor does it necessarily involve arguing with or confronting others It should be the lifelong spiritual regimen of every believer 1 Pt 315 Earnestly contending for the faith requires the desire to diligently study Gods Word

Contend for the Faith Desiring God ~ This faith is worth contending for The faith is repeatedly threatened from within the church by professing Christians It is the duty of every believer to contend for the faith once for all delivered to the saints

What Does It Mean to Earnestly Contend for the Faith ~ So contend we have to contend for the faith Dave Right The faith of course and there is a definite article in front of “faith” This is not some vague idea about being positive and believing things you know – “believe in yourself” or “believe in success” or whatever

Contending for the Faith For those who love truth and ~ Contending for the Faith is a monthly publication that discusses current events that are being dealt with by the faithful members of the Lords body We have been in continuous publication since January 1970


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