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Date : 1997-12-01

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The Ecumenical Councils and their Chief Doctrines ~ The Second Council of Nicaea 757 Here was defined the veneration due to holy images that we give honor only to those they represent and not to the image itself as such it presented the answer to the image breakers or iconoclasts It also gave twentytwo canons regarding the clergy

What About Those Councils Queenship ~ Product Description From the first council held in Nicaea in 325 through Vatican II 19621965 Fr TwiggPorter invites you on a journey through this important history of the Catholic Church You will learn interesting facts as well as amusing anecdotes and gain a better understanding about the Church

Council Wikipedia ~ A council is a group of people who come together to consult deliberate or make decisions A council may function as a legislature especially at a town city or countyshire level but most legislative bodies at the stateprovincial or national level are not considered councils At such levels there may be no separate executive branch and the council may effectively represent the entire government A board of directors might also be denoted as a council A committee might also be denoted as

What Are the Duties of a Council Person Career Trend ~ A council person is an elected member of a local city or town government City councils serve as the legislative branch of city governments and vote on laws and proposals relating to various community issues Council persons make legislative decisions dealing with topics such as the allocation of funding to provide

Catholic ecumenical councils Wikipedia ~ Catholic ecumenical councils include 21 councils over a period of some 1900 years While definitions changed throughout history in todays Catholic understanding ecumenical councils are assemblies of Patriarchs Cardinals residing Bishops Abbots male heads of religious orders and other juridical persons nominated by the Pope The purpose of an ecumenical council is to define doctrine reaffirm truths of the Faith and extirpate heresy Council decisions to be valid are approved by the pop

Ancient church councils preecumenical Wikipedia ~ Preecumenical councils those earlier than AD 325 were mostly local or provincial Some held in the second half of the 3rd century involved more than one province The sui generis Council of Jerusalem was a meeting described in the Bible in Acts 15 and possibly in Galatians 2 of the apostles and elders of the local Church in Jerusalem

Ecumenical council Wikipedia ~ An Ecumenical Council or oecumenical council also general council is a conference of ecclesiastical dignitaries and theological experts convened to discuss and settle matters of Church doctrine and practice in which those entitled to vote are convoked from the whole world oikoumene and which secures the approbation of the whole Church

First seven ecumenical councils Wikipedia ~ The Eastern Orthodox Church and the Catholic Church accept all seven of these councils as legitimate ecumenical councils The Oriental Orthodox Churches accept only the first three while the Church of the East accepts only the first two There is also one additional council the Quinisext Council

Council Definition of Council by MerriamWebster ~ Definition of council Entry 1 of 2 1 an assembly or meeting for consultation advice or discussion the Second Vatican Council 2 a group elected or appointed as an advisory or legislative body a governors council a city council 3a a usually administrative body a council on housing


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